faq portal
How do I get a street tree removed or relocated?
Why is construction for my stage running behind?
There are many factors for construction to run behind. These factors can include weather, shortages of material or unexpected delays relating to service infrastructure etc.
While we work hard to deliver your titles on time, the nature of construction can mean delays from time to time. Keep an eye on the construction of your stage via LandHub here.
Are there any requirements for my front garden?
Integra does not specify how your front garden should look or how it is constructed. This is primarily due to our vision of creating vibrant communities, and we want to ensure all residents have the opportunity to contribute to the vibrancy and character of their streetscape.
All stages in Integra estates have some minimal requirements via a Covenant for each lot to ensure consistency with items like fencing.
You can download the Covenant for your stage via Integra LandHub.
How long do I have to sign my contract of sale?
As soon as your contract of sale has been issued to your Conveyancer, you will have ten business days to work with your Conveyancer, do your due diligence and ensure you understand the contract before signing. If this time passes without signing, your contract may be cancelled, and the lot returned to the market.
If you have any questions relating to your contract, contact your Conveyancer.
You can find a due diligence checklist here.
When is the deposit for the purchase of my lot due?
Your deposit is due as soon as your contract of sale has been signed. You will be provided with the payment details by your sales agent.
What is that Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?
The Community Infrastructure Levy is a financial contribution towards constructing the public amenities and infrastructure that make communities healthy and vibrant. Depending on the needs of the area, this infrastructure can include kindergartens, libraries, community centres, maternal and child health facilities, parks and recreation infrastructure.
Click the links below for further information, as these payments can vary in each Local Government Area. Please Note: If you are purchasing land in Lucas, Integra pays this to the City of Ballarat on your behalf.
More information on the CIL in Victoria can be found here.
More information on the CIL in Ballarat can be found here.
What do I need to do to organise fencing on my lot?
To ensure you and your neighbour/s can share costs for fencing, you can submit a request via your local city council to get in touch with your neighbour/s. Once you have the contact details for your neighbour/s, you can begin to find a fencing contractor.
Click the links below for further information:
What type of fencing is required on my lot?
Fencing requirements vary in each estate are included in your stage’s covenant found in your stage information page on Integra LandHub. Some lots may have additional requirements, please check if your lot number is noted in the covenant. You can access Integra LandHub here.
What is Integra LandHub?
What if my house plans don’t meet the covenant?
Should your house plans not meet the covenant for the Estate or Stage for any reason, you or your builder can submit plans for Developer Approval via your stage information page on Integra LandHub.
What happens when I have a street tree in my preferred crossover location?
Street trees are planted by Integra in accordance with Council requirements and regulations. Should your preferred crossover location require the removal or relocation of a street tree/s, you will be required to liaise with the City of Ballarat as part of your Vehicle Crossing Permit application and inform you whether or not you can remove or relocate the tree/s.
More information on Vehicle Crossover requirements in Ballarat can be found here.
More information on Vehicle Crossover requirements in Bendigo can be found here.