Crazy Good Ideas

Last week, 23 young people from Mount Rowan Secondary College who are taking part in the Crazy Ideas College program pitched their ideas to members of the community, including Integra staff, who were blown away by their innovative solutions to some of the issues they identified in their community.
Brilliant ideas were pitched from an exhibition of large-scale terrariums which will display the best hopes of the young people for the environment if we take climate action now contrasted by one which shows what the future of the earth will look like if we continue with our current approach, to a life skills camp which will teach young people about finances, the workforce and allow them to understand what they are passionate about.

Teams will work to bring their ideas to life in collaboration with their school, CIC and with the support of community partners from across Ballarat. We are so excited to see how these young social innovators work to build a better future for their community.
To see some of the ideas for yourself, visit CIC Beyond.